Type 1 Teens Diabetes with Welsh subtitles
Cyflwyno Pobl Ifanc Math 1 Introducing Alice, James, Simran and Sam. Four young people describe their journey from paediatric to adult care, sharing insights and
Cyflwyno Pobl Ifanc Math 1 Introducing Alice, James, Simran and Sam. Four young people describe their journey from paediatric to adult care, sharing insights and
Training films about dementia, subtitled into Welsh.
Dementia Series Review This film introduces Clive and Pauline Jenkins who live with dementia. Their daughter Kimberley is a former BBC Producer and has collaborated
Watch films about diabetes in teens. From drinking, to relationships all the way through to sport.
Community care training films for formal and informal carers Watch films on this topic + 10 community care training films for formal and informal carers
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