Evidence that it works!
Our list of publications and prizes are our best evidence of having evaluated what we do and how we match up to others in the health communication space. The viewing figures of our PocketMedic library are growing every year as more and more people use our films to get the information and motivation that they need to make changes to the way they live their lives.
- 2023 Finalist in Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Heroes Award
- 2022 Green Gown “Benefitting Society” Award Winner for dementia series
- 2021 Excellence in Patient Care Winner Royal College of Physicians International Award
- 2020 HSJ Patient Safety Awards – Winner in collaboration with the CDEP
- 2019 Diabetes Professional Conference – Finalist
- 2019 Quality in Care Diabetes Award in collaboration in Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme (CDEP) – Winner
- 2018 Royal College of Physicians and Society of Physicians in Wales Joint Annual Update in Acute and General Internal Medicine Best Poster – Winner
- 2018 Quality in Care Diabetes Programme - Commendation
- 2015 NHS Wales Awards - Finalist

Click on the publication below to read all about it.
- Online patient endoscopy education platform improves outpatient bowel preparation quality: Retrospective observational study
- 2024 National Centre for Universities and Business article showcasing the collaboration that delivered the dementia film series
- A pilot service-evaluation examining change in HbA1c related to the prescription of internet-based education films for type 2 diabetes (2017) S. Rice, H. Cranch, K. Littlemore, J. Mortimer, J. Platts, J.W. Stephens
- Poster describing effect of PocketMedic films on HbA1c and cholesterol
- Effectiveness of a PocketMedic insulin safety film on HCP knowledge and inpatient insulin errors
- Poster describing work to engage young people with clinical trials
- Knox, L. (2019). Understanding motivation to self-manage and quality of life in people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales.
- A longitudinal study in Manchester of nearly 3 years duration plotting click through rates against numbers of prescriptions, shows that of the 584 people that were prescribed PocketMedic films in the GP surgery hosting the study, 313 people have clicked the link individually - 53% engagement and 251 people returned to the link – a 42% return rate.

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